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The goal at Welcome To Wellness is to help you through your health challenges by utilizing personalized solutions.  We care for you and your body by addressing posture imbalances, pain, inflammation, weight loss, hormone imbalances and healthy aging. We use Functional Medicine, Network Spinal Analysis, Nutrition support and other services to help you live the lifestyle you’ve been waiting for.

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Cleanse & Clear: Feel Better & Live Better

In the hustle and bustle of life, we often neglect our health, which can lead to the accumulation of harmful toxins in our body. These toxins, originating from unhealthy food, insufficient intake of clean water, and exposure to air pollution, allergens, and dust, can lurk in our body fat and trigger health issues. Our liver and skin serve as our body’s cleaning crew, striving to eliminate these toxins. The liver functions as a filter, capturing and decomposing harmful substances. However, if it becomes overburdened, we may experience extreme fatigue, difficulty digesting fatty foods, skin changes, or even a slight yellowing of the skin and eyes. Our skin also contributes to detoxification by excreting toxins through sweat. If it’s not functioning properly, we may develop skin conditions like rashes, acne, or excessively dry or oily skin.

When our body is burdened with toxins, it can disrupt our nervous system, especially impacting the sympathetic (fight or flight) and parasympathetic (rest and digest) systems. This imbalance may manifest as persistent stress or anxiety, sleep disturbances, or an exaggerated response to minor irritations – indicating an overactive sympathetic system. Conversely, we may find it difficult to get active or feel sluggish, suggesting a slow parasympathetic response. However, as our body commences detoxification and expels these detrimental substances, we begin to notice a transformation. Initially, there may be some discomfort, such as headaches or temporary fatigue, as our body intensively purifies itself. This is a typical phase of the detox process, akin to the body conducting a thorough internal cleanup.

As the cleansing detoxification and healing process advances and toxins are eliminated, the balance between the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems starts to reestablish. This rebalancing can result in observable enhancements. We may find ourselves feeling more tranquil and better equipped to manage stress, indicating a well-regulated sympathetic system. Sleep may become more restful and revitalizing, mirroring a well-functioning parasympathetic system. Energy levels frequently increase, mood becomes stable, and overall, we feel more robust and prepared to face daily hurdles. These positive shifts are not merely physical; they deeply influence our mental and emotional health, demonstrating the profound interconnection of our body’s systems and underscoring the significance of maintaining a toxin-free, balanced state for optimal health and contentment.

At Welcome to Wellness, we recognize the importance of bolstering the body’s detox pathways, which is why we offer more than just chiropractic care. Our detox foot baths and Infrared sauna sessions are intended to supplement the body’s innate detox processes, offering a more holistic approach to cleansing. These therapies synergize with chiropractic adjustments to boost the nervous system’s function, further assisting in detoxification and healing. Additionally, our 30-day reset programs are customized to jumpstart your journey towards a purer, healthier lifestyle, guiding you through dietary modifications, hydration practices, and environmental consciousness to minimize toxin intake and accumulation.

Our approach is always centered on aiding the body to heal itself and to help you become more attuned to your body, connected to yourself, and empowered to understand your body. By equipping your body’s internal cleaning crew with the best tools and support, you will observe a change in your energy, your nerves, and in health!

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